Call: 972-351-6300
Call: 972-351-6300
Call: 972-351-6300
Serving Communities Near Lake Palestine In East Texas
Call: 972-351-6300
Serving Communities Near Lake Palestine In East Texas
Why make multiple appointments with different companies for your remodeling and home maintenance needs when you can hire a dedicated professional handyman with one phone call?
'Lone Star Handiman' has been satisfying customers throughout North Texas for more than 30 years, providing services that range from simple repairs to major renovations.
Owner Tim Keating prides himself in being punctual, honest and attentive, taking time to listen to your needs and answer any questions you may have about the project before starting work.
Having the proper tools is also important, so when Tim arrives to complete a bid he does so with the items needed to get the job done right the first time.
Feel free to browse the pages of this website to find out more about his services and to see photos from past projects.
All work is guaranteed, with free estimates available by calling 972-351-6300. You can also request an estimate by using the form on our 'contact us' page.